
Author:  Julia Dobke, Last modification: 2022/07/13


A randomized multi-center treatment study (COALL 08-09) to improve the survival of children with acute lymphoblastic leukeamia on behalf of the German Society of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology - Closed for recruitment


Acute lymphoblastic leukeamia


Sequential phase II/III study according to the German drug law (AMG), multi-center trial design including two randomizations - Closed for recruitment

Rationale / Objectives

Primary objectives

  • Assessment of the efficacy and safety of clofarabine combined with PEG-Asparaginase in high-risk ALL patients and MRD based comparison with the historical control group who received High dose Cytarabine /PEG-Asparginase in Phase II
  • MRD based randomized assessment of the cytotoxic efficacy of clofarabine compared to high dose cytarabine each in combination with PEG-Asparaginase in Phase III
  • Evaluation of the rate of severe infectious complications after Adriamycine versus Daunorubicine in re-induction in reinduction therapy

Secondary objectives

  • Comparison of safety profiles of clofarabine/PEG-Asparaginase versus high-dose cytarabine/PEG-Asparaginase
  • MRD-based comparison of the efficacy in the high-risk treatment arm between clofarabine/PEG-Asparaginase and high-dose cytarabine/PEG-Asparaginase respectively, and the historical control group Methotrexate/Cyclofosphamide/Asparaginase in protocol COALL 07-03
  • Assessment of the impact of MRD-based stratification in COALL 09 on overall and event-free survival compared to historical COALL control groups
Therapy / Study arms

The CoALL-08-09 trial is a prospective, multicenter therapy-optmizing trial with the purpose to optimize the prognosis for children with acute lymphoblastic leukeamia. Depending of prognostic risk factors the patients will be stratified into the low-risk group or the high risk-group. A second stratification follows after the knowledge of the result of MRD on day 29 for patients with a B-progenitor ALL or day 43 for patients with a T-ALL.

A 3-drug-induction is followed by several sequentially administered cycles of combination chemotherapy . In phase II all high risk patients receive Clofarabin/PEG-Asparaginase without randomisation. In phase III the 1st randomization is: clofarabine (40 mg/m2) on day 29-33 + PEG-Asparaginase 2 500 IE/m2 on day 33 versus High dose Cytarabin (HIDAC: 4x3g/m2) on day 29 - 31 + PEG-Asparaginase 2 500 IE/m2 on day 31.
The 2nd randomization is: Daunorubicine 36 mg/m2 versus Adriamycine 30 mg/m2 on day 1 and 8 in the standard arm, on day 22 and 29 in the high-risk arm.

A quarter of all patients with B -precursor ALL don´t show any measurable MRD at the end of induction. These patients will not be part of the first randomization. Just as well will patients with a T-ALL and a MRD on day 29 < 10-3be excluded from this randomization.

Inclusion Criteria
  • Children and adolescents aged >1 and < 18 years with a confirmed diagnosis of acute B- progenitor or T-cell leukemia
  • Parents or legal guardians written informed consent and child’s assent
  • Phase II: high risk ALL defined by MRD load. B-progenitor ALL at day 29 >=10-4, T-ALL at day 43 >=10-3
  • Phase III: MRD positive B-progenitor ALL und T-ALL with MRD >= 10-3 at day 29
  • Infants and patients with a philadelphia chromosome positive ALL will receive different therapy trials
Exclusion Criteria

Für die Therapie mit Clofarabin:

  • Phase II: B-Vorläufer ALL mit d 29 MRD <10-4 und T-ALL mit d 43 MRD <103
  • Phase III: d 29 MRD negative B-Vorläufer ALL und T-ALL mit d 29 MRD < 103
Recruitment about 110 Patienten per year
Status start: 01/10/2010; end of recruitment: when the required number of patients is reached (status: February 2021)
Principal Investigator Prof. Dr. Martin Horstmann


Prof. Dr. med. Martin Horstmann Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf Klinik und Poliklinik f. Päd. Hämatologie u. Onkologie Martinistraße 52 20246 Hamburg Telefon +49 (40) 42803 4273 Fax +49 (40) 42803 4601

Assistent investigator

PD Dr. med. Gabriele Escherich Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf Klinik und Poliklinik f. Päd. Hämatologie u. Onkologie Martinistraße 52 20246 Hamburg Telefon +49 (40) 42803 3796 / 74 10- 5 2580 Fax +49 (40) 42803 3608

Trial Coordination

Dr. med. Franziska Schramm Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf Klinik für Pädiatrische Hämatologie und Onkologie Martinistr. 52 52 20246 Hamburg Telefon +49 (0)40 42605 1210 Fax +49 (0)40 42605 1219


Kseniya Bakharevich Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf Klinik für Pädiatrische Hämatologie und Onkologie Martinistr. 52 20246 Hamburg Telefon +49 (0)40 7410 52580 Fax +49 (0)40 7410 58101

Participants 10 study centers
Link(s) Trial literature CoALL
Sponsoring Fördergemeinschaft Kinderkrebszentrum Hamburg e.V., Genzyme