HIT HGG 2013

Author:  Marion Hoffmann, PhD, Last modification: 2024/03/27 https://kinderkrebsinfo.de/doi/e199583

HIT HGG 2013

International cooperative Phase III trial of the HIT-HGG study group for the treatment of high grade glioma, diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma, and gliomatosis cerebri in children and adolescents; 18 years.


high grade glioma, diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma, and gliomatosis cerebri


First-line treatment of high grade glioma, diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma, and gliomatosis cerebri in children

Rationale / Objectives

The present trial is aimed to investigate if the addition of VPA or CQ to radiochemo- and maintenance therapy with temozolomide provides a survival advantage in comparison to each other and also in comparison to radiochemo- and maintenance therapy with temozolomide alone.
Differences in therapeutic efficiencies between comparison with a historical patient control from the previous trial HIT-HGG-2007 with temozolomide radiochemo- and maintenance therapy alone. Besides therapeutic efficiencies as indicated by event-free survival (EFS) and overall survival (OS) treatment-related toxicities will also be analysed.

Therapy / Study arms

As soon as diagnosis is confirmed the patients will be included into the trial. After the start of induction therapy with VPA , follows the combined radiation therapy (fractioned local radiation with a total dose of 54-60 Gy and administration of Temozolomide) and daily oraladminstration of Valproine acid. Four weeks after the end of the combined radio-chemotherapy the temozolomide
After the start of induction therapy with VPA, combined radiochemotherapy (fractionated local irradiation with a total dose of 54-60 Gy and daily oral temozolomide for a maximum of 49 days) and additional daily oral valproic acid are administered.
Four weeks after completion of simultaneous radiochemotherapy, treatment with oral temozolomide [150-200 mg/m2/d] is started for 5 days at a time and repeated a total of 12 times at 28-day intervals. VPA is administered until the 28th day of the 12th Temodal cycle.

Inclusion Criteria
  • Newly diagnosed, previously untreated high-grade diffuse glioma (WHO grade IV), anaplastic astrocytoma (WHO grade III) confirmed by reference histology.
  • Newly diagnosed, previously untreated diffuse intrinsic pons glioma confirmed by reference radiologic assessment.
  • Newly diagnosed, previously untreated gliomatosis cerebri of all WHO grades confirmed by reference radiology assessment
  • Patient age at diagnosis from 3 years and under 18 years
  • Written consent to participate in the study by the patient or their legal representative
Exclusion Criteria
  • Previous treatment of pediatric high-grade glioma (WHO grade IV), anaplastic astrocytoma (WHO grade III), (radiologically confirmed) diffuse intrinsic pons glioma and (radiologically confirmed) gliomatosis cerebri deviating from the study protocol.
  • Known allergies/hypersensitivity to the study medication and/or dacarbazine and/or 4-aminoquinoline-related substances (hydroxychloroquine, amodiaquine)
  • Previous chemotherapy within the last 30 days before the start of treatment according to HIT-HGG-2013, or radiotherapy that no longer allows radiotherapy to be carried out according to the protocol.
  • Other (simultaneous) malignancies
  • Pregnancy / breastfeeding
  • Sexually active patients who refuse reliable contraception (e.g. oral contraception; intrauterine devices, condoms in combination with spermicides)
  • Current or recent (within the last 30 days before the start of treatment according to HIT-HGG-2013) treatment with another study medication or participation in another treatment study.
  • Clinical evidence (e.g. a constitutional mismatch repair deficiency score ≥ 3; Wimmer et al. 2014) and/or other evidence (e.g. lack of intratumoral immunohistochemical expression of at least one of the mismatch repair proteins MLH1, MSH2, MSH6 and PMS2, and/or high microsatellite instability) indicates the presence of a biallelic (constitutional) mismatch repair defect (bMMRD/CMMRD) or a heterozygous mismatch repair defect (hereditary non-polyposis co-loncinoma syndrome/HNPCC syndrome/Lynch syndrome).
  • Very poor general clinical condition requiring mechanical ventilation and/or intravenous catecholamines and/or severe neurological damage
  • Severe concomitant disease (e.g. severe congenital immunodeficiency)
  • Known HIV positivity
  • Serious manifest liver disease such as porphyria or a family history of severe hepatic dysfunction, particularly drug-associated
  • Serious disease of the pancreas
  • Fatal liver dysfunction in siblings who were treated with valproic acid
  • Known defect of the uric acid cycle
  • Serious coagulation disorders (in the case of thrombocytopenia, please observe the basic blood count requirements before starting treatment)
  • Retinopathy and restricted visual field (exception: impairment of the visual field due to a brain tumor)
  • Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency (favism)
  • Myasthenia gravis
  • Known porphyria
  • The use of valproic acid as part of the treatment of pre-existing epilepsy
  • The use of chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine in the context of a pre-existing medical indication (malaria, lupus erythematosus or other diseases).
Recruitment 198
Status Duration: 3,8 Jahre, End of recruitment: 30.11.2023
EudraCT 2013-004187-56
Entry Study Register
Principal Investigator Prof. Dr. med. C. Kramm
E-Mail hit-hgg-studie@med.uni-goettingen.de

Principal Investigator

Prof. Dr. med. Christof Kramm Klinik- für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin Leiter Abteilung Pädiatrische Hämatologie/Onkologie Robert-Koch-Str. 40 37075 Göttingen Telefon +49 551/39 63081 Fax +49 551/39 63083 christof.kramm@med.uni-goettingen.de

Trial Coordinator

Marion Hoffmann, PhD Universitätsmedizin Göttingen Klinik für Kinder und Jugendmedizin, Pädiatrische Onkologie und Hämatologie Robert-Koch-Str. 40 37075 Göttingen Telefon +49 (551) 39 63085 Fax +49 (551) 39 63083 marion.hoffmann@med.uni-goettingen.de

National investigator Austria

Univ. Prof. Dr. med. Martin Benesch Universitätsklinik für Kinder- und Jugendheilkunde Abt. Pädiatrische Hämatologie/Onkologie Auenbruggerplatz 30 A 8010 Graz Telefon +43-316-385-80427 Fax +43-316-385-3450 martin.benesch@klinikum-graz.at

National investigaror Netherlands

Dannis G. van Vuurden, MD, PhD Princess Máxima Center for Pediatric Oncology Department of Neuro-Oncolog Heidelberglaan 25 3584 CS Utrecht Telefon +31 88 972 9736 Fax +31 6 5000 6736 D.G.vanVuurden@prinsesmaximacentrum.nl


Silke Kullmann Georg-August-Universität Universitäts-Kinderklinik, Pädiatrie I Robert-Koch-Str. 40 37075 Göttingen Telefon +49 (551) 39 63086 Fax +49 (551) 39 63087 silke.kullmann@med.uni-goettingen.de

Weitere Informationen Sponsor: Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Stiftung Öffentlichen Rechts, Universitätsmedizin Göttingen, Vorstand, Robert-Koch-Straße 42, 37075 Göttingen; Deutschland
Sponsoring Deutsche Kinderkrebsstiftung, Bonn, Deutschland